Heading Home

I want to tell you a story this morning about a rancher I know and his sons. The youngest son was tired of all the hard work, long hours and responsibility so he left for a more relaxing, fulfilling life in town.

No more getting up at 3 am during calving season; no more doctoring in the rain; no more busted fences to mend and no more eating dust on long, hot days.

His life in town was heavenly. Nice apartment, new car, boots that didn’t have manure plastered on them and a new Stetson that wasn’t sweat ringed or rain blotched. Yes. Life was good.

It didn’t take him long to make new friends and put ranch life behind him. Steak houses and clubs at night, a life of leisure. It was a constant party. Wine, women and song. Over the next few months things were going just as he had planned.

But then one day he got his Visa bill and he was shocked. The “good life” was costing him plenty. He went to make a withdrawal at the ATM and found his withdrawal limit had been reduced. The proverbial well was running dry.

He was behind on the rent and had received an eviction notice. He sold his car but that money didn’t last long. He had to get out and look for a job but what? His pay checks went for cheap wine, he overslept and missed his shifts so he was fired. He found himself on the streets – really! A street person.

Wasted, used up, cold and alone!

Putting pride aside he started for home. Hitch hiking and walking he finally made it. He was only 200-300 miles away but it took over a week to get there; begging for food along the way.

The whole way home he rehearsed his story. What he would tell his dad and how he would ask for a job, the job of a hired hand.

He turned off the main road and headed up the 1/2 mile drive to the house. While he was still a long way from the front gate he saw someone come out and start up the lane.

Now that person was running! Really running. It was his dad and he was calling his son’s name. As they met, tears were streaming down both their cheeks. The father hugged and kissed his son and the son tried to get out his request to be a hired man – just a worker, no special privileges but the Father was talking excitedly.

Ok by now you’re probably saying this is all just make believe but no…no, it’s not. This is exactly what the Father has done and will continue to do for each and everyone of us who go our own way, wanting to do our own thing without His oversight and restrictions and then come home!

He’s waiting…waiting and watching for you and I and He comes running to meet us and to lavish us with His love!

You’ve not gone too far or done too much that the Father won’t love and welcome you home!

“When he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him. The son started his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’ We’re going to feast! We’re going to have a wonderful time! My son is here—given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’ And they began to have a wonderful time.” Luke 15:20-24 MSG

Welcome Home!

2 Replies to “Heading Home”

  1. Hey girl sure miss you two.I am with you every morning.I am enjoying the time in the word and the nuggets of wisdom and the life experiences you share see you soon. Love you two so much . Love Ron

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