Define Good

As we spend the next month thanking God for His goodness, I thought it might be helpful to define “good”.

The other day I fixed Dave one of his favorite meals, beef stroganoff. Not with noodles but with mashed potatoes. It had been a long time since I made it and with each bite he said, “this is good, so good”.

Then yesterday I went for my regular eye exam. As the doctor looked at the images of my eyes he said, “They look really good – no signs of cataracts, degeneration or retinal tears”.

Add to that the reports that parents like to hear about their children, “He’s such a good boy. She’s a good listener and so kind”.

Good food. Good report. Good kids.

But God…He is the embodiment of goodness! Not just the taste of a meal or the report of a physical condition. Not even the assessment of character. He is good and His goodness endures forever.

“You are my friend, my fortress, where I am safe. You are my shield, and you made me the ruler of our people.” Psalm 144:2 CEV

“My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.” Psalm 144:2 KJV

I found these verses this morning and it struck me in a different way. In the old King James language the word goodness is used but in a more modern translation of the language the word goodness is replaced with “friend”.

God shows us His goodness like a trusted friend.

“Tell the Lord how thankful you are, because he is kind and always merciful. Let Israel shout, ‘God is always merciful!’” Psalm 118:1-2 CEV

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever. Let Israel now say, that his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 118:1-2 KJV

And here the word good is translated kind.

“Discover for yourself that the Lord is kind. Come to him for protection, and you will be glad. Honor the Lord! You are his special people. No one who honors the Lord will ever be in need.” Psalm 34:8-9 CEV

“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.” Psalm 34:8-9 KJV

Again, good is translated to kind.

Our God, our Father, is a kind and trusted friend. His goodness and mercy will always be!