Hide N Seek

Ready or not, here I come!

As a kid, did you ever play hide and seek? We used to have great games on our block during the summer evenings. Most of the time I would be one of the first caught but then I was one of the youngest and didn’t hide too well.

Occasionally there would be that time when no one could find me and I dreaded hearing them call out “All-y, All-y, ox in free”. I didn’t want to reveal my hiding place because I could use it again. I was safe and well hidden.

In life there have been times that I have stood in the face of trouble and defiantly said “give me your best shot – I can take it”. Sometimes this was a foolish confidence in my own strength and at other times it was a secure declaration of my victory in Christ.

But there have also been those times that my desire was to be securely hidden; not wanting to be seen or found because I needed a time to rest.

God is so good that way! Giving us time to hide under the shadow of His wings; time to regain our strength, time to build spiritual muscle, time to grow in Him.

“You are a hiding place for me. You protect me from my troubles. You surround me and protect me, so I sing about the way you saved me. Selah 8 The Lord says, “I will teach you and guide you in the way you should live. I will watch over you and be your guide.” Psalm 32:7-8 ERV

Whether you’re on the front lines of battle today or in a secure place of hiding I want you to know that the Father is there to give you rest when you’re weary, strength for the battle and victory over the enemy.

“Don’t worry—I am with you. Don’t be afraid—I am your God. I will make you strong and help you. I will support you with my right hand that brings victory.” Isaiah 41:10 CEV

He is our “hiding place”!