Much Fruit

When our oldest children were very little, I received a peach tree for a present. Dave planted it in the backyard. We took very good care of it and the next year it produced 8 large peaches. The following year our harvested crop was much larger in number, but the fruit was smaller, almost half the size of the year before.

The peaches from both years were sweet and flavorful. I wish I could tell you about the harvest from the third year, but we moved from that home and I’m not sure what became of the tree and the fruit.

This was the memory that came back this morning as I was reading these verses.

“Stay joined together with me, and follow my teachings. If you do this, you can ask for anything you want, and it will be given to you. Show that you are my followers by producing much fruit. This will bring honor to my Father.” John 15:7-9 ERV

“The Spirit of the Lord God is on me, because the Lord has chosen me to bring good news to poor people. He has sent me to heal those with a sad heart. He has sent me to tell those who are being held and those in prison that they can go free. He has sent me to tell about the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day our God will bring punishment. He has sent me to comfort all who are filled with sorrow. To those who have sorrow in Zion I will give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes. I will give them the oil of joy instead of sorrow, and a spirit of praise instead of a spirit of no hope. Then they will be called oaks that are right with God, planted by the Lord, that He may be honored.” Isaiah 61:1-3 NLV

Followers producing much fruit – oaks planted by God and honoring Him.

Some years our lives may be like my peach tree and produce a bountiful harvest, other years we may produce larger fruit but not the quantity.

The word honor that is used in both verses, the one in John and the one in Isaiah, can also be translated glorified. I looked that word up and found this definition: “acknowledge and reveal the majesty and splendor of (God) by one’s actions”.

“But the fruit that comes from having the Holy Spirit in our lives is: love, joy, peace, not giving up, being kind, being good, having faith, 23 being gentle, and being the boss over our own desires. The Law is not against these things.” Galatians 5:22-23 NLV

The fruit that comes from the Holy Spirit definitely acknowledges the majesty of our Father.

We used to sing a praise chorus that said this, “In my life Lord be glorified, be glorified, be glorified. In my life Lord be glorified today”.

Maybe your life is just starting to produce blossoms, no fruit yet, but beautiful. Perhaps your life is a tree with many smaller fruits, you are making an impact of nourishing many lives. Or your tree may have larger fruit, which less people will be able to enjoy but they will be filled and nourished.

All in all, no matter the stage of fruit production our actions should bring the Father honor.