If I say the words “manual override” do you know what I’m talking about?
We had a watering system in our previous home. Dave put it in and most of the time it worked without a hitch. But periodically I noticed the plants in the back yard would look a little wilted.
I would check the timer and find that it wasn’t working correctly. The plants hadn’t received their scheduled water. I would reset the clock on the timer, reset the watering schedule and then pushed the manual override, twice. The plants would show immediate signs of relief.
My morning quiet time was regularly interrupted by the sound of the watering system turning on and off. It was working correctly. However, there were those few times when the timer would malfunction. It needed replacing. It was time for a full reset.
I think sometimes we are like that. We have the clock set…going to accomplish this or that by the time I’m 30 or 40 or 60.
We schedule all the events to kick in at the right time…college, marriage, kids, retirement. We even schedule our spiritual lives…prayer time, Bible reading, church services, small group, Bible study.
Then without noticing our timer malfunctions and we begin to wilt – physically, emotionally, professionally, financially and spiritually. We get dry. Things heat up. We feel like we are dying. Stuck in a dead-end job, relationships begin to wither, emotionally we become hard and spiritually we are parched. Sometimes we need a manual override to refresh us and sometimes we need to reset the clock completely.
“Young men get tired and need to rest. Even young boys stumble and fall.31 But those who trust in the Lord will become strong again. They will be like eagles that grow new feathers. They will run and not get weak. They will walk and not get tired.” Isaiah 40:30-31 ERV
One version of this Scripture says we are to “wait” on the Lord, expect, look for, and hope in Him.
A reset with the Lord, waiting on Him, renews us just like a manual override on the watering system renews the plants.
“Lord, you are the hope of Israel. You are like a spring of living water. Those who stop following the Lord will have a very short life. 14 Lord, if you heal me, I surely will be healed. Save me, and I surely will be saved. Lord, I praise you.” Jeremiah 17:13-14 ERV
If you’re feeling dry today check your timer. Is it functioning properly? It might be time for a reset!
I like this devotion Kristi. To use your excellent analogy, I have just recently reset my watering system/devotional time to suit my new schedule. Praise God for the watering of His Word and Holy Spirit. God bless you and your family today sister
Thank you Alan. God is so faithful; He meets us anytime, anywhere!