Yesterday all of us were touched by the sights and sounds of the invasion in Ukraine. I went to bed praying for those in the heart of this war.
I saw the images of people sleeping in subways for safety. It reminded me of the pictures I have seen of those who would rush to the air raid shelters in England during WWII. I also heard an interview with a man who heads three orphanages. He expressed his concern for the children’s safety and wondered how many more children would be coming for help.
A pastor I know opened his church for prayer yesterday and this morning I would like to encourage all of us to pray for those who in harm’s way; the people of Ukraine and those in Russia who have no desire to be involved in this war.
“‘When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me, 36 and when I was naked, you gave me clothes to wear. When I was sick, you took care of me, and when I was in jail, you visited me.’
37 Then the ones who pleased the Lord will ask, ‘When did we give you something to eat or drink? 38 When did we welcome you as a stranger or give you clothes to wear 39 or visit you while you were sick or in jail?’
40 The king will answer, ‘Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.’” Matthew 25:35-40 CEV
We can be thankful that we were able to sleep safely last night, that we will be able to go about our normal routine today – work, shopping, visiting with friends. But we need to remember those whose lives are anything but normal.
Let’s pray for an end to come quickly. For the Lord’s solution, for safety and protection. When we don’t know what to pray I found the best thing to do is pray God’s word. Join me.
“I love you, Lord God, and you make me strong. 2 You are my mighty rock, my fortress, my protector, the rock where I am safe, my shield, my powerful weapon, and my place of shelter. 3 I praise you, Lord! I prayed, and you rescued me from my enemies…You rescued me from enemies, who were hateful and too powerful for me. 18 On the day disaster struck,
they came and attacked, but you defended me. 19 When I was fenced in, you freed and rescued me because you love me…27You rescue the humble, but you put down all who are proud.” Psalm 18:1-3, 17-19,27 CEV
Father, this is our prayer for those in Ukraine – protect and rescue them, in Jesus’ name.