The Delivery

I can’t even begin to tell you how many deliveries we have had since we took possession of our new home. There are so many little things I couldn’t find after the move or I didn’t think I’d need any longer and sold, only to replace them.

It’s one thing to receive a delivery of something I’ve ordered but there’s a completely separate emotion and excitement when I see that it is something which has been sent by a friend or family member.

Never once have I taken that unexpected arrival, set it on the table and left it to be opened later. No, it’s one of those “find the box knife and open it carefully” moments. Everything about this unexpected gift says it’s special.

I was remembering this morning the boxes my Mom used to send when I was in college. The boxes would be wrapped in brown paper and there would be stickers or handwritten drawings on the wrapping. Inside there were cookies, homemade candies, a favorite magazine, stationery and stamps – little things that told me she loved me.

Now, imagine today one of those delivery drivers stops at your house with a package. You don’t recognize the store or the return address. It’s addressed to you but from whom?

It’s the most wonderful gift ever! You’re overcome with emotion. Tears stream down your face; words can’t express the gratitude. You are overwhelmed and now you grab the phone and call the giver of this precious gift and say, “I’m sorry I can’t receive this. I don’t deserve it and I’ll be sending it back.” Really? No, not at all. You call and express your gratitude and love, or at least that’s what I would do.

Do you know that this is exactly what God has done for us? Let me show you.

““All have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness. 24 They are made right with God by his grace. This is a free gift. They are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ. 25-26 God gave Jesus as a way to forgive people’s sins through their faith in him. God can forgive them because the blood sacrifice of Jesus pays for their sins. God gave Jesus to show that he always does what is right and fair. He was right in the past when he was patient and did not punish people for their sins. And in our own time he still does what is right. God worked all this out in a way that allows him to judge people fairly and still make right any person who has faith in Jesus.” Romans 3:23-26 ERV

God’s great grace and love gave us something we didn’t deserve. Something we won’t ever earn, something we will never be able to buy. It’s a gift!

It’s a gift of love that comes straight from the Father’s heart. The gift is new life, a relationship with God the Father. We’re saved from the punishment of sin. Jesus took the punishment for us! Why? To show us through all the time to come that He loves us.

I feel I have been given the job of the delivery driver. I get to bring the gift to your home. Once you open it, make sure you call the Father and thank Him for this amazing gift of love!