He Brews

This morning’s blog could also be entitled, “Where There’s a Will There’s A Way”, but since it’s about coffee I went with what I thought was a cuter title.

Rarely is our home without coffee so you can imagine my shock when I discovered Friday morning that I had no more coffee stored in the freezer. The canister had enough for Saturday’s pot and then we were out. Our favorite coffee has been missing from our grocery store shelves.

What to do? I went on-line and did what any self-respecting coffee drinker would do, I ordered from Amazon with a promise of next day delivery. It must have been the late hour I ordered or the fear of not having coffee for this morning’s brew but in my haste I didn’t see that I ordered coffee beans.

Yesterday when the order arrived Dave brought it in from the driver and the look on his face was puzzling. He asked, “you ordered coffee beans?”. No…but I had. We don’t have a coffee grinder, ugh. Dave laughed and said, “well, you can always beat them with a hammer”. Not funny!

No problem, I have a food processor. Oh yes, that’s what I did, I’m embarrassed to admit it but it’s true. It wasn’t ground fine enough to get a good brew but there is coffee in the pot this morning and that’s all that matters. I have Dave’s promise that we will go to town and buy a coffee grinder. (I just sold one we never used in a garage sale before we moved.)

I could have gone to town yesterday and bought coffee but not my favorite blend. I could have gone to town yesterday late after my coffee order arrived and bought a grinder but I’m more determined and resourceful than that.

This morning as I was sipping my weak cup of coffee and thinking about what to share the words He Brews came to mind and I knew I had to share my blight but first I needed a verse to tie it all together.

But without faith no one can please God. We must believe that God is real and that he rewards everyone who searches for him.” Hebrews 11:6 CEV

I went through all the above to satisfy my palate for a pot of my favorite coffee. What amount of time and effort I am willing to expend in searching for God who satisfies my soul?

Why is it hard some mornings to sit down and pick up my Bible and study? Time spent in the Word is much more beneficial than a second-rate grinding of coffee beans. People are hurting; they’ve lost loved ones. Parents have lost newborns; spouses have lost their mates. Mental anguish has invaded homes in a similar manner to cancer invading a body; we need to be able to give hope to those who have lost theirs.

When we believe that God is real, we must search for Him. When we search for Him, we will find Him – He’s not hiding, and He will reward us in our search. He will replace our pain with His peace, our confusion with His comfort, our fear with His forgiveness, our loneliness with His love.

If the silliness of my search for coffee taught you anything I hope it was this; put your efforts into searching out the things that have eternal value. Coffee is good but God is great!