This morning I found myself praying for those we will be working with this upcoming summer at the campground. I was texting a friend a couple days ago and we agreed that the mountain and the lake are home.
It’s where we are comfortable and enjoy being. It’s a place of peace but not without a few challenges. The month of June we were under a red alert. The fire danger was high and only propane fires were allowed outside. Even generators were reduced in their hours of use. Finally, the order came to evacuate the campground. The fire danger was too high to allow campers to stay. Everyone had to leave. We camp hosts were sequestered in one area that had several routes of ingress and egress. For two weeks we lived with Ready-Set-Go evacuation orders.
On July 7 we were allowed to go back to our campgrounds and prepare for campers’ arrival just a few days later. The weather had changed. We had now gone from dry dangerous conditions to thunderstorms and flooded campsites. But everyone seemed to be in good spirits, hardly a complaint, we were all so grateful for the rains that came each day.
But one day the rain came, and it didn’t stop in a few hours like it normally did. It rained all day and all night and into the next day. We joked that very shortly we would be building an ark. Our campground is elevated above the entrance and there are run off channels throughout the campground which bring the water downhill and to the lake. It was an efficient way to handle the normal run off but not this time, there was too much water.
So, what’s all this got to do with my prayer time? Glad you asked. I was telling the Lord it would be really great if one small issue were remedied. The culvert used to funnel the waters at the entrance is too small in diameter and it isn’t buried deep enough. It needs to go deeper! I was praying that will get fixed this year.
It was then this verse came to mind.
“ I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. 48 It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. 49 But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house right on the ground, without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruins.” Luke 6:47-49 NLT
Dig deep!
Life will have its storms. There will be flash flooding and hurricanes; physical, emotional, financial and spiritual. It’s our responsibility to dig deep and be prepared to withstand what comes. When we have God’s word in our lives, we have a rock solid, immovable foundation that will not be shaken.
The time to prepare is before the floodwaters come. The skies may be blue and sunny and you may have a list of fun things you want to do but prepare your foundation first. Dig deep into God’s word. Find out what He has promised you about joy and peace, forgiveness and grace. Shore your foundation up on hope, kindness and His unconditional love. Line the perimeter with the rocks of protection and provision that He promises to everyone who hears and applies His word.
Dig deep! It will keep your house from falling.
This is an instructive and encouraging analogy, thank you! God bless you today.
Beautiful reminder of seeking God’s goodness and being rooted in his Word. When we can absorb God’s word and hide it in our hearts I do believe it helps us prepare for the storms of life!
Thanks for sharing.