The Extra Guest

This morning we leave the house that has been our home for the past seven and a half years. It’s so exciting!

I’m remembering times when friends and acquaintances have just dropped in to say hello and have stayed to share an evening meal or a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll. Those are some of my favorite memories. We’ve always had an open door and been able to set an extra place at the table.

The last few weeks have been busy with purging and packing, details and delays but there’s still been time to welcome an extra guest.

Today we will pull out of the drive, wave good-bye to friends and neighbors. I have an idea of what my day will have in store but what about your day? Where are you going? Doing anything special? I always find that even the mundane is more fun when you have someone along to share it with.

We are never alone even in the dullest moments. We have a promise that God is with us. I think it’s important that we realize that Almighty God, who created the universe, is also God, our heavenly Father. He is always present. He never leaves us. He makes life worth living. He makes it exciting and fulfilling!

May I encourage you to make room for His presence in your daily routine? Make Him the extra guest at every meal, the unseen advisor for every decision, the one you go to for comfort and consolation.

 and while they were there, she gave birth to her first-born son. She dressed him in baby clothes and laid him on a bed of hay, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:6-7 CEV

At His birth there was no room, He was just another baby, the citizens of Bethlehem didn’t realize that Immanuel was born in their city and so there was no room.

God loves being with His people. It’s only fitting that one of His names should mean God with us. That is His goal – relationship with us. He wants to walk and talk with us, friend to friend, Father to child.

No matter what we’re doing today, let’s take Him along. Moving to a new city, shopping, decorating, or lunch with a friend bring the extra guest. Having some down time, the two of you can sit quietly together after all He is Immanuel!