Christmas Wrapping

Today I’ll start wrapping some presents. It’s a task I put off because it’s really not my thing. I have friends who do an amazing job. Their gifts are so beautiful that you almost hate to open them, almost.

I’ve had the wrapping paper in the closet for weeks but I couldn’t find the gift tags. I was determined not to run out to the store just for that so I was going to make some however, the other day, while going through my file cabinet, I found them. Thank you.

I got to thinking about some of the Christmas gifts I have received over the years. The simple gifts that came from the kids when they were little. The gift tag was written in crayon and the gift bows were yarn or string. Dave had a way of making Christmas gifts special – he loved to do leather work and for several years I received hand tooled and hand stamped leather coasters. He would place them on my gift as a “To/From” but really, they were and still are the gifts I cherish most.

There’s one other gift that means the world to me. Understated and wrapped in the most unique way. Looking at it from the outside there was no hint as to the real value. Priceless in fact! But the gift tag was beyond expression – flamboyant, glitzy, a real eye catcher.

 That night, some shepherds were out in the fields near Bethlehem watching their sheep. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord was shining around them. The shepherds were very afraid. 10 The angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid. I have some very good news for you—news that will make everyone happy. 11 Today your Savior was born in David’s town. He is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This is how you will know him: You will find a baby wrapped in pieces of cloth and lying in a feeding box.” Luke 2:8-12 ERV

The gift tag filled the sky with wonder! The To: and From: were written boldly by the hand of the Father.

 Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.” John 3:16 ERV

To: Everyone From: God

The gift: small and non-descript. A baby boy wrapped in cloth laying in a feeding trough on a mattress of hay.

The gift: extraordinary!! The Son of God in human form, left heaven, came to earth to be the Savior of all who believe.

From: The Father’s Heart. To: All Who Believe.

The gift has been wrapped; the tag has been written. Receive the gift that completely changes our lives!