Ask For the Baby Jesus

A few days ago, Dave and I were in one of our favorite artisan shops in Tubac. I was reminded of one of the first time I visited there.

I love Nativities. I have the one from our first year of marriage; I have one that was made for me in 1980 and all the little ones I have added along the way. My most recent was one I purchased with Christmas monies from my Mom. I purchased it in that little shop I was talking about, it’s made from Mexican pottery called talavera.

I studied each figure in the set; their smiling faces, their clothing, the shape of the stall and then I realized there was no baby Jesus! Where did He go? What happened to Him? 

That shop has many Nativity scenes from Mexico, South America, and the US. There is a sign close to the larger sets telling shoppers to ask for the baby Jesus. When I asked the shop keeper why, he replied “People steal the baby Jesus. We don’t have a theft problem in the store except for that.” I was told they keep the baby Jesus in the back room and you have to ask for Him.

Ask for Jesus! Wasn’t that the Father’s intent from the beginning? He wanted us to recognize that our lives were not complete without Jesus. 

Who would steal the baby Jesus? That is completely counter to the reason He came. When Jesus was born the angels filled the heavens with the announcement. The shepherds were told to go find Him. The wise men saw and followed His star. Everyone was welcome to come see Jesus!

Jesus came to forgive the sins of all men, even the ones who would steal the baby Jesus.  Jesus wasn’t born in a palace where only a few of the elite would be allowed to enter. He wasn’t born in a monastery where only the religious and the holy would be. No, He was born in a barn; anyone – man, woman, child, elite or poor, educated or unlearned was welcomed at the manger. 

“Today your Savior was born in David’s town. He is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This is how you will know him: You will find a baby wrapped in pieces of cloth and lying in a feeding box.” 13 Then a huge army of angels from heaven joined the first angel, and they were all praising God, saying,

14 “Praise God in heaven, and on earth let there be peace to the people who please him.”

15 The angels left the shepherds and went back to heaven. The shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this great event the Lord has told us about.”

16 So they went running and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the feeding box.” Luke 2:11-16 ERV 

I want to encourage you to put Jesus on display. Don’t hid him, let the world see that He lives in you. Love the way He did; reach out to everyone the Father brings your way. The sign on our lives should be “if you want Jesus, just ask!”