Shield of Kindness

I’ve never thought of kindness as a shield until I read this morning’s Scriptures.

All through the Bible we are told that the Lord is loving, gracious and kind. In fact, the words loving-kindness are linked together to more accurately described the Father’s character. The psalmist said “Thy loving-kindness is better than life – thus will I praise thee, thus will I bless Thee”.

But when I read the words “you shield them with kindness” I had to stop and ponder that image.

I don’t know how many movies I have seen of medieval times but in each one the knight’s are always geared for battle and one of those pieces of armor is a shield. A shield is an instrument of war and a vital piece of a warrior’s protection. Think about that for a moment before you read the following verses.

“Listen, Lord, as I pray! Pay attention when I groan. You are my King and my God. Answer my cry for help because I pray to you. Each morning you listen to my prayer, as I bring my requests to you and wait for your reply…Let all who run to you for protection always sing joyful songs. Provide shelter for those who truly love you and let them rejoice. 12 Our Lord, you bless those who live right,  and you shield them with your kindness.” Psalm 5:1,2,11,12 CEV

Here, King David is praying for help, waiting on the Lord to answer his prayer. He ends this Psalm singing praise to God for his protection and deliverance. He, a soldier, of many battles, makes the statement that the Lord’s kindness is placed as a shield in front of those who live right. This shield of kindness protects us from the arrows and swords of our enemies.

If you have been in a battle, or maybe are going through one now, let the Lord place His shield of kindness between you and those circumstances. Sing your songs of praise because the Father provides shelter for those who love Him.

Let your faith in the kindness of the Lord be a shield of protection from all that seeks to harm.