Be An Example

Every day we are setting an example; whether we’re a good example or not is to be determined.

When you stop and think of people who have been good role models for you whose face comes to mind?

I think of one lady in particular. She was 20+ years older than I and she portrayed grace and kindness in all she did. Her home was comfortably decorated and neat, her personal appearance radiated with beauty and grace. She spoke words of kindness and her love for her husband and family were evident to all. I was blessed to know her.

Another woman I admired was an experienced horse woman. Her hands were leather tough from all the work she did. She trained horses, could build fence, tend a garden and put a meal on the table that would leave you asking for more. Her ways were rustic but her heart was tender and generous.

I haven’t seen either one of these ladies in years but the impression they made in my life has never faded.

The Apostle Paul wrote to a young preacher named Timothy and instructed him to be a good example.

“Here is a true statement that should be accepted without question: 10 We hope in the living God, the Savior of all people. In particular, he is the Savior of all those who believe in him. This is why we work and struggle.

11 Command and teach these things. 12 You are young, but don’t let anyone treat you as if you are not important. Be an example to show the believers how they should live. Show them by what you say, by the way you live, by your love, by your faith, and by your pure life.

13 Continue to read the Scriptures to the people, encourage them, and teach them. Do this until I come.” I Timothy 4:9-13 ERV

Be an example by what you say, the way you live and love. Be an encourager. Be pure and faithful.

What a mandate!

The Apostle Paul also told us all to be imitators of God – like little children imitate their parents.

“Do as God does. After all, you are his dear children.” Ephesians 5:1 CEV

Each day we have a fresh start to be a good example. Let’s use it wisely. Let’s imitate the Father!