Getting Ready to Leave

We only have a couple days left on the mountain, the place that has been our home for the last four and a half months. It’s been hard to say good-bye to friends and there are still good-byes to be said.

Yesterday, we spent time in the campground, going from campsite to campsite, making notes of things that need to be improved upon before the next camping season. We visited with the two families of campers that are still here. Only the hardy, with good generators, are here now. We had snow on Tuesday and the night time temperature dropped to 18*.

After that, there was the check-in station to finish packing up; all the bookwork and supplies have to be moved to the administration building. Bulletin boards, signs and windows have to be covered and there was one final load of laundry that needed to be done.

Almost all of the preparations have been made.

We have also taken time to pack away our own things – the bar-b-q, the outdoor canopy, and chairs. The closets have been rearranged, the cupboards straighten, awnings are pulled in, things are stowed away and secured. A little more cleaning and another load of laundry and we’ll be ready to pull out.

I began thinking of all the people in the Bible who had to leave some place they were accustomed too; Abraham and Sarah had to leave, Rebekah left her home to join her husband, Jacob’s whole family left their home to join Joseph in Egypt. Samuel left his mother and father to go to the Temple, Ruth left her home to follow her mother-in-law, Esther left her uncle to go to the King’s palace, Peter left his fishing business to follow Jesus, Paul left his place as an important member of Jewish society to become an itinerate preacher and Jesus left heaven to come to earth.

All of their leavings had a purpose. Esther was placed in the palace as queen by divine providence. She was used to save her people from genocide.

“And who knows, maybe you have been chosen to be the queen for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14b ERV

I believe that God has a purpose and a plan for every life, including yours and mine!

“I say this because I know the plans that I have for you. This message is from the Lord. ‘I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. 12 Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will search for me, and when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me.'” Jeremiah 29:11-13 ERV

Maybe your circumstances are changing too. You are making preparation for a new home, a new job, a new life. There can be insecurity and apprehension in this but when we trust the Lord, He will give us peace and direction.

None of us know exactly how the Lord will use us from day to day but we can be certain that His plan for us is good. Each one of us should always “be prepared for leaving” the old and embracing the new as we follow the Lord’s leading.