Unseen Changes

I guess the Holy Spirit was giving me a head’s up yesterday morning when I shared with you about “order up” because our day went nothing as we had planned.

“We make our own plans, but the Lord decides where we will go.” Provers 16:9 CEV

Shortly after I posted my morning blog, Dave and I were sitting in our living area, looking out our big window and having coffee. We saw one of our campers come up to the check in area. He went towards the neighboring camp hosts RV and then walked back to his truck. He was on his phone. I walked out in my robe and slippers to see what he needed. He was talking to a 911 operator.

He told me one of our campers had tripped and fallen and his leg or hip appeared to be broken. I let him finish giving the 911 operator our location. I told him we’d be at the site as soon as we dressed. When I got back to the 5th wheel Dave was dressed. I told him what was going on and he left. I text our managers to tell them what had occurred, dressed, grabbed an extra blanket and headed to the site.

I met Dave coming back. He was going to wait for the ambulance and direct them to the site. He told me who the camper was, it was a man I had been talking with the last few days. I was concerned it was him – we had been sharing the Lord and having good conversations. He was camping alone. I got to the site and covered him with the heavier blanket and then knelt beside him. I told him I needed to leave the medical treatment to the professionals but if it was ok I would pray with him and for him.

We prayed.

The course of his day had been drastically changed and my morning events were altered too. I was where I needed to be. I sat on the ground beside him, holding his hand, talking when him as he grimaced through the pain. He spoke of the goodness of God that he tripped at the campsite because he could have had an accident out on the highway where he would have been alone.

He talked about his belongings, would we gather things up for him, and his wife driving up from Tucson by herself. He asked if I would call her once the ambulance had taken him to the hospital to let her know he was ok and where they would take him. All of this we did!

Friends, we can’t be fearful of situations outside of our comfort zones. We can only do what we know to do – we can bring encouragement and comfort to the heart of those the Lord brings by our paths. Last I heard from his wife, they were waiting for the surgeon’s consult and surgery would have been done last night or today. She thanked us again for being there – she called us a “God-send”. I believe we were.

“With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.” Proverbs 3:5-6 CEV

When we get up each morning, we prayed “Lord, direct my steps today”. When He does we must be obedient to follow.