Order Up!

Have you ever been to one of those coffee shops or diners where the cook in the kitchen sets the food in the window and hollers out “order up”?  We had several places like that in Idaho and Montana. They were some of our favorite places to go!

But I want to talk with you this morning about a different kind of order.

The kind of order I’m going to talk with you about is the absence of confusion, order.  I woke from a dream this morning that was filled with confusion and disorder.  Saturday, I will be speaking at a women’s advance, not a retreat mind you, but an advance. In my dream I was trying to get myself and some others to church.

I wasn’t ready but grabbed what I would need to finish getting ready there. We started for the car and I realized I didn’t have the car keys, sent the others on a head and went back for the keys. Got delayed again to answer a question and so it went through out the dream.  I ended up getting to the church just as I was being introduced – I was late, unkept and harried.

The first thing I did when I woke was thank the Father that He is a God of order, not disorder; the Father who brings peace and not confusion.

 God wants everything to be done peacefully and in order.” I Corinthians 14:33 CEV

Take a look at the Earth, it is in an orbit that is structured and methodical. Rotating around the sun, tilted on its axis so that just the right amount of sunlight hits its surface at the correct time. If we were any closer to the sun we would burn, any further away and we would freeze.

Animals live an orderly life. Right now, the animals in the mountains are preparing for hibernation or the cold of winter. Finding more food to eat or to store, coats are growing heavier and colors changing for better camouflage .

“You lazy people can learn by watching an anthill. Ants don’t have leaders,  but they store up food during harvest season.” Proverbs 6: 6-8 CEV

I was just reading about the Israelites and their journey through the wilderness this morning. The Lord ordered the way the camp would be set up. Three tribes each set up on the north, south, east and west of the Tabernacle. They were to protect the holy place of God. They marched out in the same order.

Then the members of the tribe of Levi, the priests, all had particular duties when it came to moving and setting up the tabernacle. Each family group had different responsibilities for the items in the Tabernacle. Some carried the curtains, while others carried the lamp oil and incense. Still others were given the responsibility for the candle stands, the tables and the Ark of God’s covenant.

By no means, am I implying that we can’t be spontaneous or act in an impromptu way. The Bible teaches us to be prepared for the unexpected. Jesus was always being interrupted. He ministered to people and never made them feel as if they were ruining His plans or roadblocking His day.

Nicodemus came to him at night, Zacchaeus waited in a tree. He went to a wedding feast and ended up providing the wine.

“The Lord shows us how we should live,
    and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.
24 If they stumble, they will not fall,
    because the Lord reaches out to steady them.” Psalm 37:23-24 ERV

Start your day asking the Lord to guide your steps, to direct your way. It may surprise you to see how He takes your plans and make them “order up”.