This morning I have a short thought to share with you from the book of Job.
Job was the object of the devil’s destruction. He lost his home, his livelihood and his children. In all of it, he never blamed God or walked away from his relationship with Him.
His friends thought Job had sinned greatly and that God was punishing him but Job maintain that he hadn’t sinned. After many days of their rebuke, the Lord spoke and confirmed Job’s innocence of any great sin.
The one thing that stands out to me from this trial is that Job always saw the greatness of God, his friends made mention of it too. They talked of creation and all that God had made. They talked of the way nature moved in harmony and were amazed by what God had done.
I believe this is where Job found his strength to endure the trial is was in.
“Job, consider carefully the many wonders of God. 15 Can you explain why lightning
flashes at the orders 16 of God who knows all things? Or how he hangs the clouds
in empty space?” Job 37:14-16 CEV
We would do well to follow these words; “consider carefully the many wonders of God”.
When we are going through a trial and feel alone and lost “consider carefully the many wonders of God”. Our God and Father who created all we see is by our side. He has promised to never leave us. He is our protector and provider, He is our strength and our joy!
The other day while we were hiking by a river I saw this marvelous mushroom. It’s called a turkey tail. It’s amazingly different for many of the other mushrooms. Our Father created it. If He would put this much creative thought into creating a mushroom just think of how much thought and purpose He puts into designing our lives.
“I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering.” Jeremiah 29:11 CEV
If you need to be encouraged today, look around and consider the many wonders of God. This God and Father knows the number of the hairs on your head, He knows your name and you are valuable and special to Him!
I needed this today. Thank you

Jan, I’m praying for you and trusting the Father to show you “many wonders” of His love!