Built Strong, Built to Last

Over the last two months we have had a lot of rain in the mountains. We are so thankful!

To us the rain is a blessing but to some others, who weren’t prepared for it, it has been a discouragement and even a destructive element of nature. Recently, we had two different sets of campers leave the campground at the end of their reservation. One was upset by all the rain. Their tent had collapsed because the roof wasn’t protected from by a rain cover and the water was too heavy, causing it to cave in.

The other couple also had some damage to their cover. When we asked them if they enjoyed their camping experience, they had the complete opposite opinion from the first. They were excited. They told us it was their first camping trip and they loved it – “oh yes, we had some damage from the rain but we know what to do next time; we’ll be back – it was beautiful”.

It was surprising to hear such a difference of viewpoint. 

It reminded me of a little song we sang in Sunday School when I was a child.

The rains came down as the floods came up

The rains came down as the floods came up

The rains came down as the floods came up

And the house on the rock stood firm!

If we are built on a firm foundation, we can withstand the storms and the rain. 

Our world seems to be in a storm – spiritually, physically, politically, economically.  Some are being shaken to the very foundation and some collapse like the tent of the one camper. But God has given us a promise for the storms.

“Anyone who hears and obeys these teachings of mine is like a wise person who built a house on solid rock. 25 Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and winds beat against that house. But it did not fall, because it was built on solid rock.” Matthew 7:24-25 CEV

When we make God’s word our foundation, letting it give us the stability and underpinning we need, we will withstand the storms. When Jesus came to earth, He was called the living Word, He is our foundation.

“You have accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord. Now keep on following him. Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation for your life. Be strong in your faith, just as you were taught. And be grateful.” Colossians 2:6-7 CEV

I don’t know what type of storm you may be experiencing. You may have already seen your tent collapse, if you have, pick up the pieces and rebuild, build on the foundation of God’s unchangeable Word.

He will be your source of strength. He will be your protection and your provider. Trust Him!

Build Strong, Be Built to Last!