Living With Purpose

This morning I would like to introduce you to two younger women I know. Each one of them has a heart for the Lord.

They are both wives, mothers, devoted Christians and have the ability to convey what the Lord puts on their heart with the written word. 

I met Hollie while we were living in Montana. She came to Dillon with her husband and two young sons. They bought some property and began building their dream home right across the canyon from our home. During those years Hollie faced some very real medical challenges but she always had a smile on her face, a love for Jesus in her heart and a desire to be a source of encouragement to her husband and to raise her sons to love the Lord and all He had made.

Her sons are now teenagers, almost, and they are maturing into young men who stand strong for the Lord. Hollie conveys the truths the Lord has taught her in a simplistic and heart-warming way. Here’s Hollie’s link:

The other young women I would like you to meet is Brooke. I have yet to meet her face-to-face but she is the daughter-in-law of our dear friends. Brooke and her husband have three small children and have just launched out on a great adventure, following the Lord’s leading and traveling through the country, sharing the love of Jesus in small churches everywhere they go.

Brooke also has a heart to raise her family to love and honor the Lord. She is a gifted poet and writer. The truths she shares are an encouragement to mothers of young children and to us who are grandparents of young children. Here’s Brooke’s link:

The word of God has no limits or boundaries in who it reaches with instruction and encouragement. These two ladies are willing ambassadors and share God’s word with candor and honesty. It been years since I had the joy of raising small children and teenagers so I appreciate the openness of these ladies. I hope that you will find practical truth as you read what these ladies share.

This past year I have been developing a study on “Bold Women of the Bible” for a teaching I will be doing in September. The stories of these women’s lives are truly encouraging – young, old, married, single, mothers, childless, respectable and those of disrepute. God used them all to bring the message of hope, redemption, grace, mercy and salvation to families, neighbors and to the world.  

“The plan of the fullness of times is to bring all things together in the Messiah—both things in heaven and things on earth, all in Him. 11 In Him we also were chosen, predestined according to His plan. He keeps working out all things according to the purpose of His will— 12 so that we, who were first to put our hope in Messiah, might be for His glorious praise.” Ephesians 1:10-12 TLV

We have all been given a story. There isn’t one of us that the Lord doesn’t want to use to touch the lives of others. Not one of us has been disqualified for service. No one has a story exactly like yours, no one can touch those in your circle like you can.

Be willing to be used just like Hollie and Brooke. Reach out and let the Lord touch others through you!