Don’t Wake Up Grumpy!

Have you heard that old line? “Did you wake up grumpy?”  Response: “No, I let him sleep.”

Well, yesterday I had a phone conversation with a man named Alvin who asked me where I was. When I explained to him that I was in the mountains and the view I see each morning he laughed and said, “No wonder you sound happy”.

It was a business call so we didn’t spend too much time talking about personal things, but he commented that each morning when he looks into the mirror he reminds himself that it will be a good day because he knows God loves him and that makes everything good.

At the end of the day, I had the opportunity to talk with Mr. Mendoza.  He came to camp with his grandsons the end of last week.  He wanted to extend their camping trip at least another three nights.  He had a huge smile on his face – he’s always smiling – as he told us what a good time they were having.

But I know a little of their backstory. Shortly after they arrived and had gotten their tent set up, Mr. Mendoza’s truck broke down. It wasn’t drivable. It was the weekend. How would he get someone to tow him to town to get it repaired? He didn’t seem concerned.

He and his grandsons spent the weekend walking back and forth to the lake to go fishing. The grandsons were always smiling, grandpa was always smiling. This was not spoiling their time together. Monday, a tow truck came out to the campground and picked up he and his rig. Two of the boys stayed at the camp to fish. The truck repair cost him several hundred dollars. He was still smiling.

And now he was extending his trip because as he said “I wanted to get my grandsons out of our town. There is nothing for them to do there. I wanted them to have some fun and experience new things like I did with my father.”  The boys were excited because they were catching fish and having fun.

Remember we talked about focus yesterday. Well, he was focused on the experience with his grandsons and not on the problems with his truck.

So, this morning as I sat down in my chair and took my first sip of coffee my thoughts were a little prayer. “Thank you, Father that I didn’t wake up grumpy. Thank you, for your love and filling me with Your joy”.

“You have shown me the path to life, and you make me glad by being near to me. Sitting at your right side, I will always be joyful.” Psalm 16:11 CEV

Did you wake up grumpy?