Get the Right Focus

Several months ago I was able to purchase a new camera. It isn’t anywhere near top-of-the-line but it’s the best camera I have ever owned. I so appreciate a friend, Scott, who knows more about these things than I and he gave me some excellent recommendations.

I was determined to learn to use this camera to the best of my ability. I even sat down several afternoons and watched YouTube tutorials, with camera in hand. And then life happened.

Things got busy and we headed to the mountains for the summer. What I didn’t realize when we left is that our internet service would be as limited as it is and I wouldn’t be able to rely on that on-line instruction and training that I wanted to learn more about aperture, shutter speed, manual focus, etc.

I know having an understanding of these things will aid me immensely in creating better shots. However, I am lacking in knowledge and experience. I have found that the best camera setting for me at this time is “IA” mode, which means intelligent auto mode. Basically, with that setting the camera takes over for me and gets me the best shots available because of my limited knowledge. I am content with that.

It keeps me focused. Obviously the image I used this morning is one I took trying to use my own settings. It’s blurry!

Isn’t that the way it is with life?

There is so much that can distract us, lead us off course and blur our vision. More education, a newer house, a different job, retirement, more fulfilling relationships. Our mind’s eye dashes here and there trying to focus on what is most important and how to achieve it.  There is really no matter greater to trust with the  “intelligent auto” setting for our lives than the Lord.

“Your eyes are like a window for your body. When they are good, you have all the light you need. 23 But when your eyes are bad, everything is dark. If the light inside you is dark, you surely are in the dark.” Matthew 6:22 CEV

The Apostle Paul was very aware of this. He had so many things happening in his life he had to be reminded to stay focused.  He was responsible for the teaching and care of thousands of new Christians, he was being persecuted in nearly every town he preached in and finally he was imprisoned in Rome for the teachings of Christ. He was focused on the finish line.

“I keep running hard toward the finish line to get the prize that is mine because God has called me through Christ Jesus to life up there in heaven.” Philippians 3:14 ERV

When we walk with the Lord and learn to depend upon His word our skills will improve and we will be able to utiltize more of what the Lord has available for us. However, we never want to lose focus of what should be at the center of our lives.

“But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.” Matthew 6:33 CEV

Stay focused on what’s most important, everything else will fall into place.