Talking to the Kids

How many of us love talking to our kids?

Everything else in our day comes to a stand still when we see their number on caller id or their faces pop up on Facetime. A friend and I were exchanging emails the last week or so and I told her that the only thing I was having a hard time with in our summer RV adventure was the inconsistency of conversation with the kids. She agreed. There are so many suggestions on how to successfully full-time RV but none of them really deal with the separation from family.

Before we left home for the summer, I would have Facetime conversations nearly everyday with our youngest daughter and get to see our littlest grandchildren. They might not say much but there would be lots of smiles, “I love you’s”, waving and throwing kisses. They grow up so fast. She and I would get to talk – talk about everything.

And it was nothing for our oldest daughter just call to say hi and tell me about her busy schedule or send me a picture of her granddaughter, our great grand. We talk about camping trips, what they had done for the weekend, just a lot of staying in touch.

Our son always finds time to call when he is headed home after a forty-eight hour shift at the firehouse. He and his dad can talk on and on about boats and fishing and refurbishing. There isn’t a subject they don’t enjoy exchanging ideas on.

It means so much that they like to call – we love it!

Yesterday, all three of them called. A perfect day! One that fills a parents’ heart with love and joy!

This morning, I sat here still enjoying hearing their voices and then I thought I’m sure our heavenly Father feels the same way when we call. He’s always ready to share His heart.

“Ask me and I will tell you some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen here.” Jeremiah 33:3 TLB

Talking to the Father shouldn’t always be a 9-1-1 call. We don’t need to be in a crisis situation to pray. No, if we follow the example of Jesus we will be talking to the Father morning, noon and night. It’s a conversation of loving exchange.

“And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.” Matthew 14:23 NKJV

The Father loves to talk with us and when He sees that we are reaching out to Him, He drops everything to take our call because we are His kids and He loves us. Maybe some are resistant to prayer because they think they might get scolded for one mistake or another. Our Father will correct us when needed but always with a heart of love. He loves to give!

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ, God has given us every spiritual blessing in heaven.” Ephesians 1:3 ERV

Take time to talk with the Father today – He loves talking to His kids.