Oh My!

Last night we had one of those rain storms with lightning that take your breath away! Oh my goodness.

For years when the lightning has seemed close, I judge it with the count-to-eight method to determine just how close it is. If you hear the thunder eight seconds after the lightning flash then the lightning was approximately one mile away, if it’s four seconds then the lightning is about one-half mile. You get the point…last night there was a strike and I didn’t even get to the count of one.

Oh my! It was beautiful but so loud and close. Praise God there was no damage and all in the campground are safe.

It’s easy to become fearful when things catch us off guard. That’s why it’s important to remind ourselves daily, sometimes hourly, that the Lord is our constant companion and that He has promised to never leave us or abandon us.

Right here, in the mountains in the midst of this amazing thunder storm the Lord was with me. Right there, in the midst of a hurricane or tornado the Lord is with you!

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you; don’t be distressed, for I am your God. I give you strength, I give you help, I support you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 CEV

We don’t need to be afraid on a busy freeway or flying from place to place. We can be at peace in the doctor’s office or in an operating room. There is no circumstance or situation that we face that God is not there and when we trust in Him we can have perfect peace.

“God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 ERV

Practice peace and fear not. Live a life of trusting our heavenly Father. The result will be a fearless and peace filled life.

Oh my!

2 Replies to “Oh My!”

  1. Thank you for your daily postings. They mean so much to me and helps me to focus on the true meaning of life. God Bless.

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