It’s Beginning to Rain

Oh, the wonderful sound of rain upon our roof!

Yesterday morning the humidity was high, and fog had rolled in. It created that hazy mist that you can cut with a knife. The wildlife were comfortable with the cover it provided them and stayed longer in the meadows. First, we saw the elk cows with their calves and then we drove past another meadow with a herd of deer.  Even the wild horses came out of the forest to graze.

What a morning!

About 10 or so the clouds rolled in, big, dark clouds – clouds filled with the moisture we have been praying for. At first, it was just a few rain drops and then the sprinkle turned into a gentle, soaking shower. We hoped it would last all day but after several hours the clouds moved on and the rain was over.

The earth was refreshed.  The area needs more, much more, but this shower was a welcomed start. I could almost hear the trees, flowers and meadow grasses release a big sigh of contentment.

Have you ever felt parched? The first sips of water at a time like that are so refreshing. There’s nothing like it.

The last year was a time that parched our souls. Personal interaction was in a draught. We didn’t meet up with friends and family. Hugs and kisses on the cheek were as scarce as rain on the Sahara. We were told not to visit loved ones who were older and compromised. Yes, it was a dry time.

Spiritually we go through times like that as well. It seems like heaven is so far away and our prayers just don’t get through. Is it possible that our heavenly Father isn’t listening? We feel lost and alone.

A phrase that is sometimes used is “they are under a dark cloud”. Well, yesterday we were under a dark cloud, and it brought the refreshing we so desperately needed. When those dark clouds come, we should look up and watch for the rain.

It’s a rain of God’s unconditional love!

“If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. 29 Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest.” Matthew 11:28-29 CEV

If you have felt dry let the Lord refresh you. He promises to give us rest.

After the rain comes the rainbow, a sign of God’s unbreakable promise. A promise of blessing!

Let the clouds roll in, look up, it’s beginning to rain!

P.S. Keep praying for rain.

“You take care of the earth and send rain to help the soil grow all kinds of crops. Your rivers never run dry, and you prepare the earth to produce much grain.” Psalm 65:9 CEV