Plan Your Day

Monday…a new week is starting, what do you have planned? 

It’s possible that you already have important meetings scheduled. Doctor’s appointments, business meetings, interviews…the list goes on. Or maybe you are getting ready to start your summer vacation and have so many last minute preparations – shopping for the small things, reservations, get the car packed, close up the house.

Does your list seem endless?

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17 TLV

What – do ALL – yes all!

God is so practical and He wants to be involved in every area of our lives. He just makes things better when we partner with Him in every project.  I recently told you how I would pray over my grocery list and I have found that cleaning goes much faster and better when I set my mind on singing songs of praise as I dust and vacuum.

There was a time when doing those things left me in such pain that I would need several days to recover so I have plenty of reason to sing now that I have freedom of movement.

Today, I will be baking in my RV oven for the first time. My experience with other ovens similar to mine was they didn’t bake well. The ends of the pan would be under cooked while what was in the center of the pan would be burnt on the bottom. So I’ve prayed for a good baking experience. I want to share cinnamon rolls with my neighbors.

“Commit whatever you do to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. The Lord works everything out for his own purpose…” Proverbs 16:3-4 TLV

There’s that word again – whatever. Any thing, every thing, whatever we do commit it to the Lord.

Years ago, forty plus years, I sat on a hillside under some live oak trees and heard an old cowboy preacher say that he was thankful that the Lord had planted those trees 30 years before that so we could enjoy ourselves, in the shade, on that very day.  That old preacher saw God’s hand in every good thing. I determined that I wanted to see things in the way he did.

May I encourage you today to look for God’s hand of blessing in everything. Whatever you do, commit it to Him and let the Father cause your plans to succeed.