Helping Others

What are your strengths?

Maybe you are a great cook or baker. Perhaps you’re mechanical and can fix everything. Do you have an easy grasp of technology? Are you a critical thinker and have great wisdom in ascertaining the solution to problems?

Now, let me ask this question. Do you ever get frustrated with others who don’t have your strengths? You help them out but then get irritated because they just don’t seem to get it?

I have to admit that was me yesterday…I got frustrated. I don’t think the person I was helping realized it but I was. I had to apologize to them for having a “bull-in-a-china-shop” approach. I was wrong.

Aren’t you glad that the Holy Spirit is a gentle teacher?

We should seek to help others with a patient spirit.

“Even Christ did not live trying to please himself. As the Scriptures say about him, “Those people who insulted you have also insulted me.”[a] Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us. Those things were written so that we could have hope. That hope comes from the patience and encouragement that the Scriptures give us. All patience and encouragement come from God. And I pray that God will help you all agree with each other, as Christ Jesus wants. Then you will all be joined together. And all together you will give glory to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:3-6 ERV

I have to remind myself that not everyone it like me, thank you Lord!

I have learned much about working with people from the characters of Winnie the Pooh.

Pooh is amicable and is a friend to everyone. He tries to help anyone who has a need. Tigger just wants to have fun and doesn’t play attention to details and sometimes hurts those he loves most. Piglet wants to do what’s right but needs lots of encouragement. Rabbit just wants everyone to get busy, there’s work to be done. Owl has a story to tell about everything and gives lots of advice. Eyore is moody and depressed and has no self-esteem.

I would like to be like Pooh and see the strengths in all my friends and help them in their weaknesses. But mostly I want to be like Jesus and follow His leading.

“So, as a prisoner for the Lord, I beg you to live the way God’s people should live, because he chose you to be his. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient and accept each other with love. You are joined together with peace through the Spirit. Do all you can to continue as you are, letting peace hold you together.” Ephesians 4:1-3 ERV

Let the Lord show you how to help others today and do it with a cheerful heart!