Flash Mob Style

Every once in a while Dave and I will sit and watch flash mob videos on YouTube. They make us smile!

It’s a large group of people breaking out in “spontaneous” song and dance in what seems to be a completely random moment. (However, they really have been practicing behind the scenes for weeks.)

Yesterday morning I found a flash mob moment in the Bible. I know, I’m as surprised as you are.

“Then Moses and the Israelites began singing this song to the Lord: “I will sing to the Lord!  He has done great things. He threw horse and rider into the sea. The Lord is my strength.
 He saves me, and I sing songs of praise to him. He is my God, and I praise him. He is the God of my ancestors, and I honor him. The Lord is a great soldier. The Lord is his name.
He threw Pharaoh’s chariots and soldiers into the sea. Pharaoh’s very best soldiers
drowned in the Red Sea. The deep water covered them, and they sank to the bottom like rocks.” Exodus 15:1-5 ERV

Their song continues for twenty-one verses and ends with the women playing tamborines and dancing.

“Then Aaron’s sister, the woman prophet Miriam, took a tambourine. She and the women began singing and dancing. 21 Miriam repeated the words, “Sing to the Lord! He has done great things. He threw horse and rider into the sea ….” Exodus 15:20-21 ERV

All of this occurs immediately after they cross through the Red Sea. They have just seen the Egyptian army drown as the waters covered them over. They had been worried and complaining just hours before but they did what the Lord said. They stood still, and saw the Lord win this battle for them.

Now comes the singing and the dancing. Praising the Lord for His mighty deliverance!

The Bible is filled with stories of people just like us. People who worry and complain when the circumstances aren’t right – people who think they have a solution to their circumstances and don’t seek God’s help. People who are more willing to live in a bad situation then to trust God, who is leading them, and go into unknown territory.

I’ve been so guilty of all of this. I stayed in the wrong job for years because in my mind it was better there than in the unknown of where will I go. And then there are the times that I basically said “I’ve got this God. I know how to handle this” and so I went forward without praying and having the Lord’s leading and things fell apart.

But then the Lord would come to my rescue and it was a flash mob of one but I was singing and dancing and praising God for the way He rescued me! Does anyone relate to this?

Maybe you’re in a place where the Egyptians are behind you and the Red Sea is in front of you and you’re worried. Trust God!

Or maybe you’ve just been delivered and are in your Flash Mob moment. Trust God!

Remember always, He is our strong tower, our defense, our deliverer and our Savior!

“The Lord is my strength. He saves me, and I sing songs of praise to him. He is my God, and I praise him.” Exodus 15:2 ERV