Protection & Sleep

How did you sleep last night?

Mine was interrupted with dreams and not all of them were pleasant. That doesn’t happen very often but when it does my first thoughts after waking are filled with prayers for the people who were in my dreams and then I pray for restored peace in my own heart.

I was a child who was plagued with nightmares. My sleep was anything but restful. In my twenties I read this verse and it became mine.

“When I go to bed, I sleep in peace, because, Lord, you keep me safe.” Psalm 4:8 ERV

That really put an end to bad dreams. Now, when I have a dream that unsettles me I pray. As I said the primary focus of my prayer is for those who were in the dream with me. I can’t know if they are having a difficult time and are worried or afraid so I pray for them to be wrapped in peace and then I pray for my own peace to be restored.

Rest is from God. It is His way of “rest”-oring our strength for the day ahead.

I spend quite a bit of time reading Proverbs. I love the nuggets of wisdom and instruction for daily life that I find there. Chapter three is one of my favorites and the first few verses of that chapter have been my primary focus. They give instruction on trusting and following the Lord’s leading and not depending on my own knowledge and understanding.

But this morning these verses lept from the page:

“My son, don’t ever let wisdom out of your sight. Hold on to wisdom and careful planning. 22 They will bring you a long life filled with honor. 23 As you go through life, you will always be safe and never fall. 24 When you lie down, you will not be afraid. When you rest, your sleep will be peaceful. 25 You have no reason to fear a sudden disaster or the destruction that comes to the wicked. 26 You can trust the Lord to protect you. He will not let you fall into harm.” Proverbs 3:21-26 ERV

Wisdom, honor, safety, sleep, no reason to fear, trust, protection! These verses are packed with expressions of the Lord’s loving-kindness.

I don’t know what situations I will face today, neither do you, but whatever may come these verses promise us the Lord’s protection.

Safety thoughout our day and peaceful sleep. Those are promises I can hold on to!