It’s a Blustery Day

“I don’t mind the leaves that are leaving. It’s the leaves that are coming.” a quote by Piglet from Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day.

That’s how I have felt the last few days. We’ve had a lot of wind in the Southwest and I’m not a fan. One of the things I was glad to leave behind when we moved from Montana was the wind.

I am so thankful that we don’t live in an area where tornados are prevalent. I pray for those of you who do.

One of the most comforting stories I’ve read in the Bible is about the wind.

“Jesus got into a boat. His followers followed Him. 24 At once a bad storm came over the lake. The waves were covering the boat. Jesus was sleeping. 25 His followers went to Him and called, “Help us, Lord, or we will die!” 26 He said to them, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then He stood up. He spoke sharp words to the wind and the waves. Then the wind stopped blowing. 27 Then men were surprised and wondered about it. They said, “What kind of a man is He? Even the winds and the waves obey Him.” Matthew 8:23-27 NLV

The winds came. The disciples were afraid. Jesus was asleep. “Wake up Jesus”. He spoke. The winds ceased. They were saved!

There is never a time that we will go through a storm alone. Jesus has committed His life for our salvation. The winds stopped because of His word.

Just a day or so before Jesus got into the boat with his disciples He had been preaching to the crowds on a mountain top. He spoke these words to them.

“Whoever hears these words of Mine and does them, will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. 25 The rain came down. The water came up. The wind blew and hit the house. The house did not fall because it was built on rock. 26 Whoever hears these words of Mine and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down. The water came up. The wind blew and hit the house. The house fell and broke apart.” Matthew 7:24-27 NLV

Jesus told them that His word was the foundation of strength that would keep them secure in life’s storms.

When he finished teaching he came down the mountain and with His word He healed a leper. Then He spoke and a centurion’s servant was healed. He went to dinner at Peter’s house and healed his mother-in-law. After dinner Jesus healed many more people who had come to Him and He delivered many who were demon possessed. All of this is recorded in Matthew chapters 7 and 8.

Great crowds of people were gathering and Jesus told His disciples “Let’s go to the other side” of the lake. So they got into the boat. Jesus didn’t say “Let’s go half way across and drown”. He gave them His word to be a solid foundation for what was to come.

His disciples had seen him cleanse the leper, heal the sick and cast out demons; they really didn’t need to be afraid of a storm.

When life’s waves try to swamp us and its winds try to blow us off course that’s the time to hold tightly to what God has said, to confidently trust in His power and remember that our foundation is securely planted in Him.

The wind and the waves will cease and we will be safe in Him.