Formatted Correctly

Just a short time back I shared how God sees us as completely new when we accept the forgiveness that Christ provided for us on the cross. The Bible says that our past is gone, wiped clean, and we are completely new.

That’s a hard concept to grasp because we can remember our past and all of our failures so well.

Hard to imagine, that is, unless you have ever experienced a hard drive crash on your computer or, as I remembered this morning, a time when I had improperly formatted or failed to format a DVD disc.

I had been asked to make dvds of a memorial service. I tested the first two copies to make sure they were formatted correctly and then followed the same process for the others. Imagine my shock when a few days later I received an email telling me that several of the copies were blank.


Our lives are a lot like that DVD when we come to Christ. Old things have passed away and all things have become new.

“You were dead, because you were sinful and were not God’s people. But God let Christ make you alive, when he forgave all our sins.14 God wiped out the charges that were against us for disobeying the Law of Moses. He took them away and nailed them to the cross.” Colossians 2:13-14 CEV

Our sins were wiped out, removed – the disc is blank!! Here’s the great thing about God, He doesn’t leave us with a blank disc.

“This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord.I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts.I will be their God, and they will be my people. 11 No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. 12 For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” Hebrews 8:10-12 NIV

We have a promise that God, our loving heavenly Father, will write His word in our hearts. It is the leading of the Holy Spirit; giving us direction, encouraging us, correcting us, inspiring us, that makes the Word of God come alive in our lives. God puts the desire in our hearts to know Him and the way we get to know Him is through reading His letter to us. Those words will burn to our disc.

I remember when Dave & I were dating – it was a long distance relationship. I waited anxiously each day for his letters to arrive and when they did I’d read them over and over again. (In fact, I still have those letters and take time to read them occasionally.)

I looked for the parts that said he loved me and that he was coming to see me soon. Those words burned into my very being and I would excitedly tell my friends – “he’s coming, he’s coming”. I had his word on it and his words became life to me.

That’s the way God’s word is to me now. It burns indelibly into my heart!

Circumstances or time can’t steal what the Holy Spirit has written there.

I know that when I press “play” the disc won’t be blank. I pray today that you have God’s word burned onto your heart!