The Big Picture

For a good portion of our marriage Dave and I have lived a rural lifestyle. I wouldn’t change it for a thing!

We’ve lived in populace areas like metropolitan Phoenix and San Diego but that wasn’t us. Too much activity – too many freeways – too much noise – not enough solitude.

In a country setting it’s easy to see the big picture. All we have to do is look up.

“I lift up my eyes to You, O You Whose throne is in the heavens. See, the eyes of servants look to the hand of their owner. The eyes of a woman servant look to the hand of her owner. So our eyes look to the Lord our God, until He shows us loving-kindness. Show loving-kindness to us, O Lord. Show loving-kindness to us. For we have had our fill of hate.” Psalm 123:1-3 NLV

Our view at night is magnificent – the stars are so bright and the sky so clear. Its as if we could just reach out our hand and touch them. It’s something that we sometimes take for granted.

Nights in the city are different. Many nights the light of the stars is diminished, blocked by haze or tall buildings . There is a lesson to be gained here. Life can be compared to the city – so much going on, things moving so quickly, distractions and dangers divert our focus.

It’s good to pause and look up!

The stars that have stayed their course for eons. Their path through the heavens remains and so does their brilliance. That’s the way it is with God’s love.

Things in life may distract or even block our view temporarily but when we look up, we find that His love remains and endures forever.

“He made the sun to rule the day. His faithful love will last forever. 9 He made the moon and stars to rule the night. His faithful love will last forever. ” Psalm 136:8-9 ERV

The Lord has provided us with a big picture of His love!