Beauty Comes Through

For a number of years Dave and I lived in northwest Idaho where we had lots of snow each winter. Much like what a good portion of the country is experiencing now. We received our first snow about November 1 and the last one sometime in April. But I always knew the snow would be gone by Mother’s Day.

It was a big adjustment our first couple of winters. You see, I had come from spending my entire life in Arizona with a three year interlude of living in the San Diego area. I was completey unaccustomed to colder temperatures and had no knowledge of the day-to-day living with snow covered earth.

Just when I felt ready to complain about a frozen world, icy roads, hauling in firewood and cleaning the wood burning stove I would be reminded of the beauty of late Spring that was coming.

Just off my front porch was my flower garden area. Tulips set the border, wild geranium was a protective ground cover, poppies sprung up with random abandon and the hyacinths added an extra pop of brilliant color. But my favorites were the crocus.

They werer the first to appear, generally about the first of April. I never saw their struggle of pushing through the crusty snow, they were just there! In the midst of the white, their vibrant purple was outstanding. Their arrival signaled the end of cold temperatures and the warmth of Spring.

New life was coming.

Millions are experiencing the cold of winter; power outages, icy roads, treacherous conditions but even millions more are living with cold and frozen hearts. It seems that everything in life has gone dormant. To each of you I say, look for the beauty – look for the crocus!

There is life, just under the surface. It’s fighting frozen ground and crusty snow as it pushes upward toward the Son. There is beauty to behold, we just have to look for it! God’s love will bring a radiant warmth to our hearts; they will melt and a joy for life will sprout.

“He heals those who have a broken heart. He heals their sorrows. He knows the number of the stars. He gives names to all of them. Great is our Lord, and great in power. His understanding has no end. The Lord lifts up those who are suffering, and He brings the sinful down to the ground. Sing to the Lord with thanks. Sing praises to our God on the harp. He covers the heavens with clouds. He gives rain for the earth. He makes grass grow on the mountains.” Psalm 147: 3-8 NLV

When I went out yesterday to tend and water my plants there they were. The crocus and the hyacinths were breaking ground. Soon their color and fragrance will be evident to all.

Look around – the Lord gives each of us little signs to remind us that He is still there, even in our wintery times, He has not abandon us.

Look! The beauty comes through.