Some Things Never Change

Every morning I sit down to read my Bible and pray. Every morning I am encouraged by what I read. There are a few places in my Bible that have been underlined repeatedly. Some of these verses I have read hundreds of times in the last 30+ years. Each morning I read them again and am impacted by the message.

Some things never change.

I hope you all had a good weekend and that you enjoyed time with family and friends. I hope that you rested and were strengthened in your spirit but I know not all of you were. I’m not sure of the reasons, there may be many, but some of you are dreading getting up today. Some of you would just like to go back to bed, pull the covers over your head and let the world pass you by.

If that’s you I have some good news. These words were written thousands of years ago but they still hold true today.

Some things never change.

“So my spirit grows weak within me. My heart within me is afraid.I remember the days long ago. I think about all You have done. I think about the work of Your hands. I put out my hands to You. My soul is thirsty for You like a dry land.

Hurry to answer me, O Lord! My spirit is becoming weak! Do not hide Your face from me, or I will become like those who go down to the grave. Let me hear Your loving-kindness in the morning, for I trust in You. Teach me the way I should go for I lift up my soul to You. O Lord, take me away from those who hate me. I run to You to be safe.

10 Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Let Your good Spirit lead me on a straight path. 11 Give me new life, O Lord, because of Your name. Bring me out of trouble because You are right and good. 12 In Your loving-kindness cut off those who hate me. Destroy all those who make it hard for my soul, for I am Your servant.” Psalm 143:4-12 NLV

When we pour out our hearts to the Lord he is faithful to answer and bring the help we need. That’s who He is.

Some things never change!

Look up! He has your answer. Don’t be discouraged! He heard your prayer.

“Let us go with complete trust to the throne of God. We will receive His loving-kindness and have His loving-favor to help us whenever we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 NLV

Whenever we need help, He is there!

Some things never change and that’s a good thing. God’s love never changes, He is always there!