Thankful for Freedom

I hope you had a wonderful yesterday – I did. After sharing with you about forgive and forget Dave and I sat in our living room and joined the service from one of our favorite churches.

The songs they were singing really touched my heart.

“Good, Good Father” was one of them and I agreed whole-heartedly that yes, He is a good, good Father and I am loved by Him. Every once in a while I am impacted again by that amazing truth – He, God the Father, is MY FATHER and He loves me unconditionally!


The next song we sang was “No Longer Slaves”. What a perfect tie-in with the words I had just written a few hours earlier. Forgive and Forget. When our actions, our sins, are forgiven and forgotten we are set free and no longer enslaved to them. Guilt is gone, freedom has come.

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” John 8:36 NLT

Our new life in Christ sets us free – free from guilt, worry, condemnation, fear, sin, separation and gives us a new life.

I’ve never been locked in physical chains but I have certainly been in emotional bondage. When I found out that God’s love and forgiveness set me free and I no longer had to carry the guilt I was overwhelmed. It took a while to fully realize what that meant. I had to keep going over and over the verses to let it sink in.

 So now anyone who is in Christ Jesus is not judged guilty. That is because in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit that brings life made you free. It made you free from the law that brings sin and death.” Romans 8:1-2 ERV

The chains have been broken, the prison door has been opened and we have been freed to a new life with a loving Father.

Let me end with a few lines from the song I mentioned above.

From my mother’s womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I’ve been born again
Into Your family
Your blood flows through my veins

I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God*

Here we are at the beginning of a new week. What a great time to realize our freedom. Drop guilt like a dirty coat; kick low self-esteem to the curb like a pair of worn out shoes; the chains are broken and we are free!

Thank you Lord for our freedom!

*No Longer Slaves by Bethel Music