Where Do You Hang Your Hat

I got up this morning and headed to the front door to let in the cool morning air and there it was. The hat rack.

Dave made it a couple years ago so we would have a handy place to hang our coats and hats. I love it! There’s room for our big cowboy hats and also smaller hooks for the ball caps that we wear on our walks. It’s always full.

This morning as I opened the door I was reminded of the words of an old expression – not a Scripture, just as expression. “Now that’s something I can hang my hat on”. For those of you who have never heard it let me share the meaning.

When you can “hang your hat on” something it means it’s dependable, reliable, trustworthy and believable. i.e. They’re someone I can hang my hat on, they’ve never let me down.

As we start into November, the month of giving thanks, it’s important to evaluate what we can depend on. Where do we hang our hat?

“Forever, O Lord, Your Word will never change in heaven. 90 You are faithful to all people for all time. You have made the earth, and it stands. 91 They stand today by Your Law, for all things serve You. 92 I would have been lost in my troubles if Your Law had not been my joy. 93 I will never forget Your Word for by it You have given me new life. 94 I am Yours. Save me, for I have looked to Your Law. 95 The sinful wait to destroy me, but I will think about Your Word. 96 I have seen that all things have an end, even if they are perfect, but Your Word is without end.” Psalm 119:89-96 NLV

There is only ONE that I know to be completely faithful and trustworthy, that is God and His word. God’s word is the exact representation of Him in this world. If we want to know how He thinks we read His word. If we desire to see how the Father will act and respond we read His word. When we search for instruction and wisdom we find it all in His word. I am thankful for the infallible Word of God. It has stood the test of time. It will never pass away.

Years ago we used this expression, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it”. However, the real truth is this. God says it and whether we believe it or not it’s settled. God’s Word is always reliable, always true.

Yes, the Word of God is where I hang my hat!