The last few days I have seen friends posting pictures of the Fall colors in their areas. Hard to believe that things are changing around the country when here in Arizona we are still having temperatures of 100+.
One friend posted some pictures they had taken in the Grand Tetons and another one had images of apple picking near Spokane WA. I was reminded of the years we lived in the Spokane area and how the trees turned color and eventually dropped their leaves. It started my pie baking season which led to cinnamon rolls and banana breads and all things that meant the holidays were coming and so were visits from family and friends.
Fall, autumn, has always been a season of thankfulness! Shouldn’t everyday be a day of giving thanks?
I know you might think I’m starting early but for the next seven weeks I am going to share verses of thanksgiving. We can never be too thankful, and if this past year has taught us anything it is to be thankful for the small blessings.
A lot of folks these days have forgotten how to say “thank you” or to properly appreciate the things that are done for them. We tend to take so many things for granted or, worse yet, feel that we deserve it. Nothing could be farther from the truth – if we all got what we deserved we would be sent straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
We might be better than someone else but when compared to God’s standard we have all failed and fallen short. His grace gives us what we don’t deserve. Things like forgiveness, peace, joy and reconciliation fill His harvest basket. He prepares a feast of blessings for us even though none of us have done anything on our own to merit His loving-kindess.
“Praise the Lord because he is good! His faithful love will last forever!” Psalm 118:1 ERV
Let’s adopt an attitude of gratitude. Begin now to tell someone thank you. When was the last time our kids heard “Your special, I love you. I’m so glad I’m your parent”? No lectures, no instructions, just thank you for being my kid, you hold my heart. When it comes to our spouses we should open the flood gates and deluge them with gratitude. They go to work everyday to provide for us, they are an example for the kids, or perhaps they are the ones to stay home doing the laundry, making dinner and taking care of the household.
I use a phrase constantly in expressing gratitude and the thing is, I really mean it. I will say, “Thank you, I really appreciate that” and sometimes I hear, “sure you do” but you know I do! I want people to know they are truly appreciated.
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. “1 Thessalonians 5:18
We don’t have to be thankful “for” everything but “in” everything. Thanksgiving is the will of God for our lives!