Shake Down Cruise

Dave and I just returned from three weeks in the White Mountains of Arizona. It was wonderful!

Did you miss me? No? Most of you didn’t even know we were gone. The two weeks before we left I spent time writing and rewriting my morning blogs. Our oldest daughter, Kim, helped with posting them to Facebook and the daily emails were auto-posted through WordPress. Technology is my friend. Thank you Kim.

But now let’s get back to the camping trip. We had very limited cell and internet service while we were there so it really was a vacation. I had one dear friend ask me how I was handling not writing my blog each morning. She said she knows how much I love sitting down each morning and talking with each of you from my heart. I admit it was difficult. I did get up each morning and pray for you all. I realized, once again, I don’t get up early because I have too; I get up early because it’s my time with the Father and my time to pray for those I love.

This was the first time we had our fifth-wheel on an extended trip. It was a time of learning, a shake-down cruise, as it were. We were camping without hook ups in two very nice National Forest Campgrounds. We learned a lot.

We knew the capacity, in gallons, of our fresh, gray and black water tanks. We knew the size of our two propane bottles; we knew the size of our generator and the power of our battery but we didn’t know how long any of that would last under daily use. It was a pleasant learning experience. This is what a shake-down cruise is all about – learning how all systems work and if there are any problems.

Some things we rationed thinking we might run out. We didn’t know how long it took to heat the water heater and how much shower time we had with seven gallons of hot water and so the first showers were very short. Experience told us we could shower a bit longer.

We loved learning! We loved being in God’s beautiful creation! We loved being together – talking, planning, praying and thanking God for who He is and how He has directed our lives.

Life here on earth is basically a shake-down cruise. It is a time we learn about our heavenly Father. We learn about His grace, mercy, goodness, kindness, correction and love. We learn that we don’t have to cut our showers of cleansing short because we will never exhaust the warm refreshing of His love and forgiveness.

His love endures forever. His mercy is new every morning. Great is God’s faithfulness. His grace abounds.

Living a life dependent upon the Lord, upon all that He is, here on earth is just a fore-taste of how great heaven will be!

“Let us thank the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was through His loving-kindness that we were born again to a new life and have a hope that never dies. This hope is ours because Jesus was raised from the dead. We will receive the great things that we have been promised. They are being kept safe in heaven for us. They are pure and will not pass away. They will never be lost. You are being kept by the power of God because you put your trust in Him and you will be saved from the punishment of sin at the end of the world.” I Peter 1:3-5 NLV

Take time to enjoy the journey. Our loving Father has supplied abundantly for every need!