I’m so thankful for wonderful memories. Yesterday was no exception.
We are visiting with my Mom for the week. She’s almost ninety-seven and now, more than ever, we cherish each visit. Our granddaughter is in the Phoenix area visiting her parents. In February of this year she gave birth to our first great grandchild, their daughter. This was the first time they had ventured out since her birth. One thing she wanted to do was visit her great grandmother, my Mom, and have a five generation picture taken.
What a surprise! Mom was thrilled and so were Dave and I. It was so amazing to see our daughter, with her daughter and our granddaughter with our great granddaughter. Almost more than the heart could hold. What a joy!
It’s at times like this that I am so extremely conscious of our heavenly Father’s loving presence.
“When my followers call to me, I will answer them. I will be with them when they are in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them. 16 I will give my followers a long life and show them my power to save.” Psalm 91:15-16 CEV
One translation of this verse says “with long life I will satisfy them”. I am definitely satisfied with the life my Father has given me. Yesterday was one of those special “icing on the cake” days, for sure.
Each day can be like that when we’re trusting the Lord. Our days should never be mundane or routine. We should live expectantly, anticipating to see God’s goodness fill our natural with His supernatural. It bothers me that many times I neglect to see the miracles because I am overwhelmed by the routine.
The phrase “stop and smell the roses” isn’t in the Bible put the premise is a godly one.
“I would have been without hope if I had not believed that I would see the loving-kindness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the Lord. Be strong. Let your heart be strong. Yes, wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14 NLV
May I encourage us all to take time each morning to record at least one sentence describing the blessings we saw in the previous day. We will be amazed at how many miraculous things we find when we look for them.
Michael W Smith wrote a song, “Breathe”, in 2001. It’s one of my favorite contemporary worship songs.
This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me
This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me
And I, I’m desperate for you
And I, I’m I’m lost without you
Let’s live each day desperate for God, aware of His miracles and end each day by saying “Dear Lord, thanks for the memories”!
I thank God daily for my wonderful memories I have through His love. What a beautiful picture Your mom is beautiful and included in my memories. Hello and best wishes to her please
Thank you LaVerne. We were talking about you and Tom yesterday she has fond memories of seeing you both with Michael in Sparkys on Sundays.
Congratulations on those 5 generations of love, and thanks for pointing me to that scripture which is especially appropo for our time. God bless you.
Thank you for taking time to read my blog. I appreciate your kind words and am blessed that the Scripture is relevant to you.