Don’t Limit God

When I was a little girl we sang a song in Sunday School. The lyrics went something like this: “God can do anything, anything, anything. God can do anything but fail. He can save, He can keep, He can cleanse and He will. God can do anything but fail”. It surprises me that some sixty years later that little chorus is still be going through my mind. Those words are true and they will not change.

God can do anything but fail.

In my reading this morning I came across two different incidences where the Bible said exactly that. The first was in Numbers. The Israelites were complaining, again, that they had no meat. The Lord talked to Moses and said He would provide meat for all of them. Moses reminded the Lord that there were over six hundred thousand men and their families. Here is God’s response:

“But the Lord said to Moses, “Don’t limit my power! You will see that I can do what I say I can do.” Numbers 11:23 ERV

God can do anything He says He will do.

After I read a little while longer I went to the New Testament and was reading in Mark. Jesus had just met the rich young ruler who wanted to become a disciple. Jesus knew he was a good man but there was one thing in his life he trusted more than the Lord; it was his riches. Jesus told the man to sell everything he had and come follow Him. The Bible says the young man left very sad because he had great riches. Jesus told his disciples that it was hard for the rich to commit to following Him.

“The followers were even more amazed and said to each other, “Then who can be saved?” 27 Jesus looked at them and said, “That is something people cannot do, but God can. He can do anything.” Mark 10:26-27 ERV

Jesus answer was one filled with hope. None of us can save ourselves. Not the wealthy or the poor, the educated or the unlearned. Those born in one country don’t have a greater chance of being saved than those in another. Being saved, becoming a follower of Christ, isn’t based on what we can do, who we are or where we come from. That is something we cannot do but God can.

God can do anything!

He saves us by His grace and not based on our goodness. We simply put our trust in Him.

There is something God won’t do. He won’t lie. When God gives us His promise He will never go back on His word.

“God is not a man, so he does not lie.  He is not human, so he does not change his mind.
Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?
20 Listen, I received a command to bless; God has blessed, and I cannot reverse it!” Numbers 23:19-20 NLT

God can do anything; we can trust His word!