What Is Sacrifice?

This morning we will have an interactive blog posting. I will ask you a couple of questions and hopefully you will answer. Of course I won’t be able to hear those answers unless you post them as comments but answer them in your heart just the same.

The definition of the word sacrifice is this: to offer up, surrender, or suffer the loss of something. The term has been used in a number of ways; the sacrificial hit of a batter, a service member giving the ultimate sacrifice, a parent sacrifices their material and emotional needs to provide for their children. In every one of these circumstances, the person is offering up or laying down their own well-being for the needs of another.

First question: What sacrifices have you made for those you love?

I’ve recently been reading in the book of Leviticus. It’s here that Moses gives the laws of living and instructions for sacrifice to the Israelites. They are in the desert, about to go into a new land. They need instruction to properly set up their governance and life as a nation. God gives them instruction on sacrifice; the kind of animals that are acceptable, oil, bread and wine offerings too. Each sacrifice was a reminder that the Lord was their God and He would go with them and protect them.

This morning I made a discovery about praise. In the Psalms, King David asked the Lord to consider his prayer as a sacrifice.

“Lord, I call to you for help. Listen to me as I pray. Please hurry and help me! Accept my prayer like a gift of burning incense, the words I lift up like an evening sacrifice.” Psalm 141:1-2 ERV

Question Two: What did King David sacrifice?

He sacrificed his words. I believe, on more than one occasion, he sacrificed his words of fear, worry, and complaining to praise God for His faithfulness. Just like the Israelites, his sacrifice of words was a reminder that God was with him in all things.

Question Three: How do we offer sacrifice to the Lord and show Him our love?

“So through Jesus we should never stop offering our sacrifice to God. That sacrifice is our praise, coming from lips that speak his name. 16 And don’t forget to do good and to share what you have with others, because sacrifices like these are very pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:15-16 ERV

Answer: We praise Him! We praise the Father that Jesus sacrificed His life for ours. We praise Him that He is in control, even when things seem to be completely out of control. We do good and share with others because God, our loving Father, has given us all we have need of and more.

The most effective form of sacrifice that we can give is praising God when we don’t feel like it and when it looks like there is nothing to be thankful for. It is then that we sacrifice our emotions and will to His safe keeping. A sacrifice of praise reminds us that God is in control and we can trust Him.

I hope you will join me and offer the Lord a sacrifice of praise.