Being Loved – Caring For Others

There are so many things that we do each day to show the people around us that we love them. In our house, it starts with having the coffee ready first thing so when Dave gets up he can grab a cup on his way from the bedroom to the office.

Have you ever considered that the menial things we do are actually acts of love as we care for others?

The household chores like laundry, cleaning, cooking, dishes, grocery shopping, baking, mending, yard work, car care are all a way of saying I love you, I care. Then we have the things we do outside the realm of home duties: business trips, accounting, working from home, going to the office. These say the same thing; I love you and so I work to provide for our needs and am diligent to care for our finances.

If we look at our daily tasks as expressions of love we will be able to do them with joy and not resentment. Each school lunch we make, every load of folded laundry, each floor vacuumed and meal cooked can be a testimony and an example of our love. Every business call and appointment are a tangible expression of our love.

When we experience an outpouring of God’s love we will want to share that with those around us. His love for us is what gives us the ability and the desire to care for and serve others.

Jesus said: “I give you a new Law. You are to love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. 35 If you love each other, all men will know you are My followers.” John 13:34-35 NLV

Our acts of serving, our acts of love shouldn’t be limited to just our family and a few close friends and neighbors. We should reach out to touch any of those we may encounter whether they appear to have a need or not.

“Then the ones who pleased the Lord will ask, “When did we give you something to eat or drink? 38 When did we welcome you as a stranger or give you clothes to wear 39 or visit you while you were sick or in jail?” 40 The king will answer, “Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.” Matthew 25:37-40 CEV

I pray that we all look for opportunities to serve others and show the Father’s love!