Loving Parents Are a Gift

This morning I was thinking about Mary and Joseph’s parents. Nothing is written in Scripture about them except that Joseph’s father was named Jacob (Matthew 1). But there are some things that we can assume about them and their character because of what we see in their children.

Mary’s parents must have been godly people; teaching their children the Scriptures and the prophesies of the coming of the Messiah. They also must have given their children good moral guidelines for their lives. Mary knew of the stories of a Messiah that would come because she wasn’t completely confused when the angel appeared to her. She also knew Jewish law said that a woman who had sexual relations outside of marriage should be stoned and so when she found herself with child she went to see her cousin Elizabeth for three months.

When Mary returned home she was “found” with child. What would her parents do? Her “condition” brought the entire family under criticism. Would they turn their daughter over to the proper authorities for judgment or would they love and protect her in spite of her circumstances?

Let’s look at Joseph’s family for a minute. Mary is engaged to Joseph when she is “found” to be with child. I can imagine Joseph’s father coming to him and saying “Son, you’ve disgraced the entire family. You’ve ruined the family business – no one will come to us for carpentry any longer. How could you have done such a thing?”

Joseph knows he isn’t the father of Mary’s baby. Who is? God tells Joseph it will be ok. She, Mary, is pregnant by divine means and the child she is carrying is the Messiah! WOW!!! He, too, has to have knowledge of the Scriptures for this to be a concept that he can embrace.

Both Mary and Joseph’s parents had to be a support for them because the rest of the community surely was criticizing and ridiculing at every turn. As parents, they knew they had raised their children correctly, raised them in the Scriptures and to love God! They must have prayed with them and for them since they were tiny and now it was time to show the unconditional love and support that their children needed.

What an example to us as parents today! We’ve raised our kids to know right from wrong; to know what honors and dishonors God. We, as parents, must learn from our heavenly Father. He loves us when we are unlovely; He forgives us and restores us when we fail; He is always seeking to have relationship with us even when we don’t want His advice or to be influenced by His knowledge. And He never loses faith in us, He never writes us off. Father God instructs us, He corrects us but most importantly He always loves us!

“God our Father loves us. He is kind and has given us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope. We pray that our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father 17 will encourage you and help you always to do and say the right thing.” II Thessalonians 2:16-17 CEV

May we be parents who always encourage and help and love as the Father has loved us!