How Good Is Good Enough?

For years I used to work to be “good enough” for God’s love. I, like a lot of people, wanted people and God to love me and I would work to that end. While in college I found myself baking all kinds of cookies and cakes and doing things for people to get them to like me. I was a people pleaser. I would serve on committees and every place that a volunteer was needed to show the Lord and others my dedication. I wanted them to see that I had a good heart and was a good Christian.

And then I found these verses in I Corinthians 3.

“And you are a house that belongs to God. 10 Like an expert builder I built the foundation of that house. I used the gift that God gave me to do this. Other people are building on that foundation. But everyone should be careful how they build. 11 The foundation that has already been built is Jesus Christ, and no one can build any other foundation. 12 People can build on that foundation using gold, silver, jewels, wood, grass, or straw. 13 But the work that each person does will be clearly seen, because the Day will make it plain. That Day will appear with fire, and the fire will test everyone’s work.” I Corinthians 3:9b-13 ERV

I realized I was building with wood, grass and straw. My efforts were exactly that – my efforts. I wasn’t serving people for God’s glory and benefit but for my own. And it never seemed that I was doing enough…

Then the Father began to reveal to me how much He loves me. He loves me – not my works. It was ok to say no to some of the needs that were presented. I could let others serve. The Father didn’t want me working for Him but serving with Him. I didn’t have to earn His love! He loves me unconditionally and in that love I am free to serve because I want to and not because I have too.

Doing that, serving and living life to glorify Him, we begin to build our lives with gold, silver and precious jewels; things with heavenly value. When we serve for our own benefit we grow weary and discouraged. We get jealous and judgmental. (Remember Martha being upset because Mary wasn’t serving).

Occasionally I have to inspect my building materials and ask the Lord to build a fire and burn off what isn’t acceptable. Gold is purified by fire. It isn’t consumed.

“Your faith will be like gold that has been tested in a fire. And these trials will prove that your faith is worth much more than gold that can be destroyed. They will show that you will be given praise and honor and glory when Jesus Christ returns.” I Peter 1:7 CEV

I no longer strive to be “good enough”. My desire is to shine for Him!