Learning From Others

Yesterday morning after I had shared with you, I read one of the blogs I read each morning. I am always encouraged by the simplistic outlook that comes from Max Lucado’s writings.

His blog yesterday was entitled, “Grace is God’s Best Idea”. Imagine that. God giving His best. There’s just no way around it; that is what God has always done, given His best.

He gave us Jesus – His best. He gave us forgiveness – His best. He gave us relationship with Him – there is no better. Everything that we receive the Father is the best; love, joy, peace, kindness, mercy and grace.

Grace – receiving from God what we don’t deserve. Definitely the best.

So this morning I want to share with you what Max shared with the world. I know you won’t be disappointed.

“Your dad makes you come to church, but he can’t make you listen.  At least that’s what you’ve always muttered to yourself.  But this morning you listen because the preacher speaks of a God who loves prodigals, and you feel like the worst sort of one.  You can’t keep the pregnancy a secret much longer.  Soon your parents will know.  The preacher will know.  And the preacher says God already knows.  You wonder what God thinks.

Could you use some grace?  You know, grace is God’s best idea.  Rather than tell us to change, he creates the change.  Do we clean up so he can accept us?  No, he accepts us and begins cleaning us up.  What a difference this makes!  Can’t forgive your past?  Christ can, and he is on the move…aggressively budging you from grace-less to grace-shaped living.  A forgiven person who forgives others.  This is grace.  Grace is everything Jesus!

We all need to allow ourselves to receive God’s grace. It’s our help in time of need.

“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Hebrews 4:16 NLT