Standing Trial

I’ve never been on trial in a courtroom. It must be a desperate feeling to know that you are innocent and have to prove that.

I was reading a few days back some words the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy.

“The first time I defended myself, no one helped me. Everyone left me. I pray that God will forgive them. 17 But the Lord stayed with me. The Lord gave me strength so that I could tell the Good News everywhere. He wanted all those who are not Jews to hear that Good News. So I was saved from the lion’s mouth. 18 The Lord will save me when anyone tries to hurt me. He will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. Glory forever and ever be the Lord’s. Amen.” II Timothy 4:16-18 ERV

Paul was on trial a number of times. Each time he was falsely accused and people had been paid to lie so that Paul would be convicted. He says here that everyone left him BUT the Lord stayed with him. Being alone can be a hopeless feeling BUT having the Lord with you brings strength, peace and victory.

Look at Paul’s words – I was saved – He brings me to safety. Praise the Lord!

As I said, I have never been on trial in a courtroom but I have been on trial in the court of public opinion. I’ve had people speak against me, try to defame me and ruin my reputation. Some of the lies cut so deep and the wounds were so severe that I wondered if I would recover.

BUT the Lord stayed with me!

“When men bring you into the synagogues before the leaders and other important men, don’t worry about what you will say. 12 The Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Luke 12:11-12 ERV

The Holy Spirit is with us at all times and He is our teacher, our comforter and our counsellor. We can trust Him to be our defense.

I’m not sure what you are going through but someone needs to hear this this morning because you feel as if you are on trial and life’s witnesses have lied about you. Be encouraged.

The Lord stayed with you!