I Love Your Hot Tub

This morning’s blog isn’t based on deep spiritual truth. It’s the words of my four year-old grandson.

“I love your hot tub, it’s nice and warm.”

He just said this to me and then flashed a big smile. Yes, he’s up! There is no quiet time for me…but that’s perfectly ok. I slept in a bit and woke to the smell of my coffee; it was on the automatic timer. I got up, fed Glory and poured my self a cup to find that just as I sat down Sam was also awake.

“Good morning Besta, is it time for breakfast?”

“No, not quite yet. We need to be quiet a little while longer so everyone else can sleep.”

He crawled up on the couch next to me and I got him a blanket and he’s laying down waiting patiently. Every few minutes he has something else to say. Yesterday, he and I were in the hot tub together. We played quite a while – not sure who had more fun, him or me.

Last night after we said bedtime prayers, Sam looked at me and said “This has been the best day!”

What would happen if we had that same attitude and ended our day by telling the Father “this has been the best day”? I think we would make Him smile and I can almost feel the kiss He would put on our cheeks as He leans forward to tuck us in.

“The Father has loved us so much! This shows how much he loved us: We are called children of God. And we really are his children. But the people in the world don’t un-derstand that we are God’s children, because they have not known him.” I John 3:1 ERV

How sweet it is to have a living example of a trusting, loving child sitting on my couch with me this morning. I hope you start your day with the realization that the Father loves you – dearly loves you!

He’s waiting to play with you in the hot tub!