Few or Many

Which is better many or few? I guess that would depend on the circumstances, right?

This morning I was reading in I Samuel. King Saul was going out to battle with the Philistines. His soldiers were scared and had deserted him. Many of them were hiding in caves, among big rocks and some even went to hide in old tombs. Saul was greatly outnumbered. They were many, his army was few.

Saul’s son, Jonathan, was with his father as they strategized a battle plan. Saul was hesitant because of the size of his army and the many who had deserted.

That day, Saul’s son Jonathan was talking with the young man who carried his weapons. Jonathan said, “Let’s go to the Philistine camp on the other side of the valley.” But Jonathan did not tell his father.

Saul was sitting under a pomegranate tree at the threshing floor at the edge of the hill. Saul had about 600 men with him…These men did not know that Jonathan had left. Jonathan was planning to go through a pass to get to the Philistine camp. There was a large rock on each side of the pass. The large rock on one side was named Bozez. The large rock on the other side was named Seneh. One of the rocks faced north toward Micmash, and the other faced south toward Geba.

Jonathan said to his young helper who carried his weapons, “Come on, let’s go to the camp of those foreigners.[c Maybe the Lord will use us to defeat them. Nothing can stop the Lord—it doesn’t matter if we have many soldiers or just a few soldiers.”

The young man who carried Jonathan’s weapons said to him, “Do what you think is best. Whatever you decide, I am with you all the way.”

Jonathan said, “Let’s go!” I Samuel 14:1-8 ERV

At times, circumstances seem stacked against us. The odds are overwhelming. We’re not qualified enough; expectations of others seem to be over exaggerated; financially we’re limited; physically we’re weak.

In times like these we remember our teaching from yesterday; we are in Christ and so we do like Jonathan and we go for it!

“Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ERV

When we follow the Lord’s direction it doesn’t matter if we have an army standing behind us or we stand alone, in Him, we are the majority and able to win any battle. We may feel like David standing before a Goliath of a problem but we can stand there in confidence because it was David who won with God’s help.

Look at today’s challenges. Get a word from God and go for it. Nothing can stop the Lord!