Easy-Up Living

When I was a kid the majority of our family outings were to the lake and fishing was involved. Mostly, we had “day trips” because of Dad’s work schedule. No time for extended stays and we weren’t prepared to stay much longer than a few hours. No tent, no travel trailer or RV. (Once we borrowed a travel trailer from friends; it leaked but that’s a completely different story.) They were great times!

When our kids were older we got a tent and would go camping with the church group occasionally but it wasn’t until we moved to the northwest that we really got geared up for camping. We had a big two-room Kelty tent, all the sleeping bags, camp cots, air mattresses, water toys, kitchen gear – we were set. One of our favorite things was to throw everything in the back of the Jeep and head for our favorite campground on the Clark Fork River.

The only thing that would put a damper on the weekend was setting up the tent. Let’s be honest, it was a real challenge. Dave and I both had to fight to keep a cool head as we worked together to get the right tent poles in the right slots and then stake the thing down. One year while living in Montana we sold all the camping gear. We were done with overnight camping; those day-trips like we had when I was a kid seemed good enough.

Time and grandkids have changed our minds. Over the past year we have been talking how much fun it would be to take the grandkids camping in the White Mountains of Arizona just like our parents did with us. We have committed to living debt free since we retired so the purchase of a 5th Wheel trailer wasn’t in the budget. Thus began our search for a tent that would be big enough for the family but easy enough for Dave and I to set up on our own. We ordered it last week and it arrived on Tuesday.

Yesterday was the trial set-up. This tent was advertised as an “easy-up”. Take it out of the bag and have it up in 2 minutes. That’s exactly what we were hoping for! Well, it’s up. First attempt only took 9 minutes to have it out of the bag and up. We felt accomplished. And now we are looking forward to many wonderful times, just the two of us or with the family, exploring the outdoors again and camping in the mountains. I even found a Scripture to go with tent camping.

“The tent of a good person stands longer than the house of someone evil.” Proverbs 14:11 CEV

It will be fun to “rough it”. So many wonderful memories to be made however, I am realistic enough to know that it won’t be like home. Home is better. And that’s the lesson the Apostle Paul was trying to get us to see.

Our bodies are like tents that we live in here on earth. But when these tents are destroyed, we know that God will give each of us a place to live. These homes will not be buildings that someone has made, but they are in heaven and will last forever. While we are here on earth, we sigh because we want to live in that heavenly home. We want to put it on like clothes and not be naked.

These tents we now live in are like a heavy burden, and we groan. But we don’t do this just because we want to leave these bodies that will die. It is because we want to change them for bodies that will never die. God is the one who makes all of this possible. He has given us his Spirit to make us certain that he will do it. So always be cheerful!

As long as we are in these bodies, we are away from the Lord. But we live by faith, not by what we see. We should be cheerful, because we would rather leave these bodies and be at home with the Lord. But whether we are at home with the Lord or away from him, we still try our best to please him.” II Corinthians 5:1-9 CEV

Our lives here on earth are like camping, Paul tells us. This tent isn’t as good as our home in heaven, not in the slightest. But we can still be cheerful! We can enjoy the adventure that is ours here on earth. The Holy Spirit is our helper and He will give us what we need here and reassure us that we have a better home coming.

Life here on earth has it’s struggles and challenges but in Christ, our easy-up tents are blessed.

“A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.” John 10:10 ERV