Live What You Preach

Writing yesterday’s blog was a real challenge!

We left home on Friday morning and headed to Yuma. We were going to be there less than 24 hours and then would head to Picacho Peak to meet Kim and Austin for another less than 24 hour stop so I decided there was no need to take the laptop, I could do everything from my phone.

About half way to Yuma I thought I could take advantage of the driving time to put a few ideas in draft form and develop them further for Sunday morning’s blog. You see I had already written Saturday morning’s and had it scheduled to post on time. When I went to log in, my password didn’t do the auto-fill process. I’m not good with remembering my passwords so I tried several times with what I thought was right but no success.

When all else fails request a new password. I did that…several times and the email confirming a password change never came through. By now I’ve been fiddling with this for almost an hour as Dave was driving. Finally, I had success. New password confirmed and I was in.

I wrote for a while but didn’t have enough time to complete the posting so I saved and decided to come back to it later. Now, if truth be told this probably wouldn’t have been a problem for most of you. You have much more computer knowledge than I do but I was reminded of something I learned years ago – the Lord only allows me to teach things that I have already learned to walk out. In this case, it was the lesson of being joyful in every situation, avoiding frustration and trusting the Lord to work everything out.

So the saga continues. Saturday morning after we left the hotel in Yuma and headed out for the campground several hours down the road I decided to get back to it. You guessed it, my password didn’t work. But this time I knew how to reset it quicker and I was ready to edit and include the story about the kind people at the hotel. My texting skills leave a lot to be desired so everything I was writing was the hunt and peck method with many, many stops to make necessary corrections. I am more skilled with my full keyboard.

Just as I got to the last two paragraphs and was looking for a photo to include in the post my phone completely died. I had not been watching the battery level. Double yikes!! I determined I would just wait and finish it in the morning so I enjoyed the evening with Dave and our kids and put it aside. Before bed my daughter brought the coffee maker outside so I could have coffee while I finished my blog. It would be perfect. I made sure my slippers and robe were where I could find them easily in the dark and I was ready for morning.

About 5 am Glory and I got up. We headed outside and I grabbed an extra robe to put over my lap while I enjoyed the early morning quiet of the campground. Glory and I took a short walk, she got her breakfast and I made a cup of coffee and opened my phone to add the finishing touches. Those last two paragraphs were gone. Really!

“Lord, you know this challenge is really beginning to annoy me.”

“Look around Kristi. Do You see me here? Can You sense my presence? I did this for you. I want you to enjoy it. Happy Anniversary.”

“Thank you Father. I love what You’ve done with the place.”

I recreated the last two paragraphs and did a search for an image to use. Found one, copied it and went back to the writing program and couldn’t figure out how to add a picture in the mobile app. No problem. Posted it without an image and then I just sat and took in the beauty the Lord had provided.

It was gorgeous! And the quiet time that the Father and I shared was amazing. It was cold but amazing. If everything had gone smoothly the day before I probably would have slept in – it was my anniversary after all. I would have missed the wonder of the mountain coming alive at sunrise. I would have missed the birds coming out to welcome the day. I would have missed an intimate time between my Father and I.

So when you read these morning blogs and think I don’t experience the same things you do, you’re wrong. The Lord never lets me teach/share something that I haven’t first had to live. It’s never just words on a page; it’s life experience.

“Be patient and trust the Lord.  Don’t let it bother you when all goes well for those who do sinful things. Don’t be angry or furious.  Anger can lead to sin. All sinners will disappear, but if you trust the Lord, the land will be yours.” Psalm 37:7-9 CEV

“Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ERV

Look for the beauty that the Father is wanting to share with you today.